Source code for zero_ex.json_schemas

"""0x JSON schemas and associated utilities.


Install the package with pip::

    pip install 0x-json-schemas


from os import path
import json
from typing import Mapping

from pkg_resources import resource_string
import jsonschema
from stringcase import snakecase

class _LocalRefResolver(jsonschema.RefResolver):
    """Resolve package-local JSON schema id's."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize a new instance."""
        jsonschema.RefResolver.__init__(self, "", "")

    def resolve_from_url(url: str) -> str:
        """Resolve the given URL.

        :param url: a string representing the URL of the JSON schema to fetch.
        :returns: a string representing the deserialized JSON schema
        :raises jsonschema.ValidationError: when the resource associated with
                   `url` does not exist.
        ref = url.replace("file://", "")
        return json.loads(

# Instantiate the `_LocalRefResolver()` only once so that `assert_valid()` can
# perform multiple schema validations without reading from disk the schema
# every time.
_LOCAL_RESOLVER = _LocalRefResolver()

[docs]def assert_valid(data: Mapping, schema_id: str) -> None: """Validate the given `data` against the specified `schema`. :param data: Python dictionary to be validated as a JSON object. :param schema_id: id property of the JSON schema to validate against. Must be one of those listed in `the 0x JSON schema files <>`_. Raises an exception if validation fails. >>> from zero_ex.json_schemas import assert_valid >>> from zero_ex.contract_addresses import chain_to_addresses, ChainId >>> from eth_utils import remove_0x_prefix >>> import random >>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta >>> assert_valid( ... {'makerAddress': '0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631', ... 'takerAddress': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', ... 'senderAddress': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', ... 'exchangeAddress': '0x4f833a24e1f95d70f028921e27040ca56e09ab0b', ... 'feeRecipientAddress': ( ... '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ... ), ... 'makerAssetData': ( ... chain_to_addresses(ChainId.MAINNET).zrx_token ... ), ... 'takerAssetData': ( ... chain_to_addresses(ChainId.MAINNET).ether_token ... ), ... 'salt': random.randint(1, 100000000000000000), ... 'makerFee': 0, ... 'makerFeeAssetData': '0x' + '00'*20, ... 'takerFee': 0, ... 'takerFeeAssetData': '0x' + '00'*20, ... 'makerAssetAmount': 1000000000000000000, ... 'takerAssetAmount': 500000000000000000000, ... 'expirationTimeSeconds': round( ... (datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1)).timestamp() ... ), ... 'chainId': 50 ... }, ... "/orderSchema" ... ) """ _, schema = _LOCAL_RESOLVER.resolve(schema_id) jsonschema.validate(data, schema, resolver=_LOCAL_RESOLVER)
[docs]def assert_valid_json(data: str, schema_id: str) -> None: """Validate the given `data` against the specified `schema`. :param data: JSON string to be validated. :param schema_id: id property of the JSON schema to validate against. Must be one of those listed in `the 0x JSON schema files <>`_. Raises an exception if validation fails. >>> assert_valid_json( ... '''{ ... "v": 27, ... "r": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", ... "s": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" ... }''', ... '/ecSignatureSchema', ... ) """ # noqa: E501 (line too long) assert_valid(json.loads(data), schema_id)